
リヤド:京都にある岡本織物株式会社〈ブランド名 西陣岡本〉は、明治時代より、4世代100年以上に渡り、西陣織の技術と伝統を引き継ぎ、希少な絹織物を提供、今回日本から遠く離れたサウジアラビアをターゲットに初めてのマーケティングリサーチに取り組む。
西陣岡本は歴史ある西陣・京都の文化を継承する残り少ない織屋である一方、新未来も見据え、見る方、触れる方に感動を与える革新的な絹織物を提供しており、今ではアパレル、インテリア製品など世界へ向けて西陣織金襴を発信している 。

Hand-woven Japanese silk fabric artisans turn attention to Saudi Arabia
Nishijin Okamoto is one of the few remaining weaving companies carrying on the historic culture of Nishijin and Kyoto, and the company is offering innovative silk fabrics that will impress the wearer. (Supplied photo)
RIYADH: Kyoto-based Okamoto Orimono Co., Ltd. (branded as Nishijin Okamoto) has worked to provide rare silk fabrics since the Meiji era, and have carried on the techniques and traditions of Nishijin textiles for over 100 years, across four generations.
Nishijin Okamoto is one of the few remaining weaving companies carrying on the historic culture of Nishijin and Kyoto, and the company is offering innovative silk fabrics that will impress the wearer.
Ema Okamoto, textile designer and managing director of Nishijin Okamoto, spoke to Arab News Japan, saying, “I grew up as a child amid the sounds of the machines, the winding threads, and the bustle of the craftsmen in the house and workshop. This atmosphere of the Nishijin workshop is my origin and my life.”
“The people of Saudi Arabia, like us, cherish their roots and as they live their lives. I got a lot of inspi- ration from the regional symbols they showed us wherever we went,” Okamoto said, expressing interest in creating “a traditional collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Japan.”
取材してくださった、Abdullah Al Rushud氏には感謝を申し上げます。ありがとうございました。
日本では上野で営業をしている「猛禽屋東京店 フクロウの巣カフェ」に関わっていらしたそうで、フクロウがとっても可愛いとお話されていました。